We are currently in the pre-licensing stage, carefully building the foundation for the bank. This means we're actively engaged in:

  • Establishing Robust Infrastructure: We are developing a sustainable business model, securing initial capital, and assembling an experienced leadership team.

  • Cultivating Partnerships: We are actively building strategic relationships with key stakeholders in the climate finance ecosystem, including Governments, development agencies, NGOs, financial institutions, and green finance experts.

  • Seeking Input: Considering that this is a first-of-its-kind bank in Nigeria, we are actively seeking input and feedback on how to make it successful. We highly value stakeholder perspectives. We welcome you to share your thoughts and ideas with our team through the email provided on our website.

We believe transparency is essential. Here is an overview of our progress:

  • Stage 1: Concept Development and Feasibility Study: Completed. We've established the need for the Green Bank and demonstrated its potential impact and profitability.

  • Stage 2: Business Model Development and Initial Funding: In progress. We're refining our financial model and securing initial capital to support our launch.

  • Stage 3: Licensing Application and Regulatory Approval: Upcoming. We're preparing our comprehensive licensing application to be submitted to the Central Bank of Nigeria.

We're not just waiting. While we navigate the licensing process, we're also:

  • Building awareness: Engaging with stakeholders, partners, and potential investors through various channels, including this website.

  • Developing our business model: Laying the groundwork for a profitable business that accelerates Nigeria’s green transition

  • Cultivating talent: Identifying and attracting top talent in green finance to join our team.


  • Investing for Impact: We aim to design innovative financial products to catalyse capital for renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, climate-resilient infrastructure, and other green projects.

  • Empowering the Ecosystem: We will work to equip financial institutions with the skills and knowledge to navigate the evolving green finance landscape, ultimately creating more sustainability champions.

  • Reducing Risk: We plan to build confidence in green investments by facilitating partnerships and policy engagement to unlock credit enhancements and technical assistance, making these projects more attractive and accessible."

  • Cultivating Innovation: We seek to develop an ecosystem of collaboration where impactful green solutions can emerge and expand. Our role is to catalyse this through:

    • Creative Financial Instruments: Designing innovative green investment vehicles and financing facilities to accelerate capital deployment.

    • Market Infrastructure: Developing enabling frameworks, platforms, and vehicles to strengthen the foundations and connectivity of the ecosystem.

    • Policy Partnerships: Engaging with regulators and policymakers to advocate for supportive policies, incentives and regulatory environments for green solutions.

By bringing together diverse partners and fostering high-quality information exchange, joint innovation, and coordinated action - we hope to facilitate the organic growth of a thriving marketplace for scalable sustainability solutions.

Join Us on this Journey

As we work diligently towards obtaining our banking license, we invite you to be part of this transformative journey. Whether you are a potential customer, a stakeholder in climate change initiatives, or an investor with a passion for sustainable finance, we welcome you to join hands with us in shaping a greener tomorrow for the African continent.

Please reach out to us at: